NOCPIX VISTA H50 thermal imaging monocular


Previous lowest price was 11999,00 .

Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że kupowany produkt jest towarem podwójnego zastosowania o kodzie 6A003.b.4.b i podlega restrykcjom eksportowym zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem 821 i Ustawą o obrocie strategicznym. Wywóz lub sprzedaż towaru poza teren UE bez uzyskania zezwolenia zgodnie z przepisami Ustawy o obrocie strategicznym jest zabronione i podlega odpowiedzialności prawnej. *

The Vista’s Vision+ system, with its 2560×2560 AMOLED display and 8mm exit pupil diameter, provides an astounding viewing experience. Equipped with an advanced sensor, the Vista model delivers industry-leading performance. Its user-friendly design and improved battery solution make it the perfect companion for overcoming outdoor challenges.

Vision+ System: Immersive Vision

The 1.03-inch round AMOLED display with 2560×2560 resolution optimizes space efficiency, delivering vivid images. With an 8mm exit pupil diameter and Pure Vision mode, Vista provides a comfortable and immersive viewing experience.

Advanced Sensor: High Image Quality

Our internally developed NETD ≤15mK 640×512@12μm sensor guarantees high image quality and stable performance. Animal silhouettes, anatomy and their specific behaviors become easily recognizable.

60Hz Refresh Rate: Smooth Motion Capture

Equipped with a 60 Hz refresh rate detector, the Vista provides exceptional smoothness, enabling precise capture of moving animals and dynamic scenes. This significant improvement over 50 Hz guarantees smoother and more precise visualizations.

Lens F0.9: Increased Light Assimilation

The F0.9 lens is designed to increase light absorption by 20%, significantly improving brightness and image quality compared to traditional F1.0 lenses. This innovative solution ensures that every detail is clearly visible, making the Vista the ideal companion for nighttime observation.

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